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  • pameladawnferris

Jan 6th - Another Sea Day

Bit rougher again and back to children’s rollercoaster. Still not the weather for outside decks or promenade walking but temperatures are mid-late teens centigrade,

Today’s “let us introduce you to the ship” section is the Intermezzo and Spinnaker bars on Deck 2.  Going up the stairs from yesterday’s atrium leads you into the Intermezzo and along the corridor is very long bar called Spinnaker. We particularly like the ship displays.

1st floor above Atrium is the Intermezzo bar

Entrance from Intermezzo Bar into Spinnaker Bar

View of long Spinnaker Bar with Piano and ships in display cases

Closer look at one of the many ship models on display

Today we had breakfast in the Main Dining Room for 1st time this cruise. We like dining here as you are always guaranteed to get Eggs Benedict and Kippers which is not the case in the buffet restaurant. Only shared tables were available and our table companions included a lady on her first ever cruise and she is doing the whole world cruise! We both thought she was very brave but didn’t say it!

Attended a talk by lecturer David Pybus on the story of Atlantis. Was it real and where was it? Spoiler alert, it did exist and was huge and now most of it has gone but the remainder is the what we now know as the Canary Islands. That was his opinion anyway and as it wasn’t a quiz there were no arguments!

The rest of the morning was spent relaxing - there are lots of activities available for those that want them but we just took it easy. We had a light lunch and went off to do something called Fitsteps which is an exercise class based on ballroom and Latin dances. The aim here was to try to offset the food intake with some kind of exercise but the result was we are very unfit and the warm up was exhausting and the class was hard enough for Mark with his left feet without the ship lurching about. Pamela enjoyed it and wants to go again tomorrow. Mark says no comment.

Needed showers after that and Pamela watched a video whilst Mark went off to replenish his water bottle which just happened to be beside the selection of afternoon tea goodies. Now I could say I was good and abstained but I’m afraid I was too weak had a little taster😋.

More news from the captain and it is still not good. We are expecting the same roughish type seas for 2 more days so promenade deck and sun deck walking/activities will continue to be restricted.

We spent an hour or so pre-dinner in the lovely Crow’s Nest bar with great views and comfy seats and a book in hand before joining another shared table of 8 for dinner. Completely new people, all lovely, but 2 things to mention. Firstly, there were a couple doing their very first cruise and they too were doing the whole world voyage. However, this time Pamela said “wow you’re brave” out loud but they took it in good spirit. Secondly, upon hearing our travel plans, another couple said “oh you are that couple - we’ve heard about you”. I think it was about the exciting journey we are doing and nothing else but no doubt time will tell.

We went from dinner straight into the early show which was the first P&O Headliner Theatre Company show of the cruise - called On the Horizon. This is a brand new set of performers who joined, with us all, in Southampton and were fabulous singers and dancers and thankfully no screeching ones. The show itself is very average because it lacks a story and is more of a showcase plus Mark thinks he has seen it before but it was a nice way to relax and digest a meal.

The day ended with a quiz and a 70s show by the resident band Pulse before we gave up and fell into bed.

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