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  • pameladawnferris

Jan 27th - Sea Day Again!

Another hour gained so we are now GMT-8. Internet was in yo-yo mode this morning. Up and down constantly. We had a refund so any access we got was a bonus but as we got very little access it wasn’t a big win and just frustrating.

Pam went to a talk on the Hawaiian Islands, Pam here- the islands are made up of 7 individual islands- amongst them Hawaii is the biggest and has a large volcano in the middle, another just grows pineapples, another is owned by a millionaire and the island called Oahu, where Honolulu is, that is where we are going. After the talk I joined our quiz friends in the rising sun with a general knowledge quiz, though we did not do well. Mark read and watched films on the cabin balcony and in bed - a bit breezy and 22c. Pam then did the exciting task of a laundry wash - she loves it really as that is another natter zone. Pam got there just as a machine became free but had to wait a while for a dryer. One of the passengers came into the room and to check on their washing to see if had finished and adjusted the dials for someone else’s washing instead- theirs had been taken out and put into a basket earlier. Then they put it in the dryer and when they came back for that they tried to open someone else’s dryer, really not on the ball but funny to see. Laundry wars is a common theme on this cruise and apparently people have been thrown off the ship in the past due to punch ups over laundry. Really people!

We will take a break here and continue our ship tour. We have been wandering deck 2 (Florida deck) and making our way from the aft (back) to the forward (front) of the ship. So we will now leave the Globe and art gallery areas and continue onwards. Immediately after these areas are the last 2 areas on this deck - before the forward lifts and the theatre which we previously covered. These last 2 areas are the casino on the left and the pub on the right. Today, we will cover the casino.

Entrance to Casino from art gallery - pub is on the right of the walkway

Apparently on non UK ships this area is normally much bigger but the brits don’t gamble in casinos much so they are smaller on our ships. Brits do gamble but more on things like Bingo and sports betting and those are not done in the casino.

Anyway, as you can see there are numerous slot machines plus roulette and blackjack tables.

We very occasionally do roulette. We tried again today but unfortunately had no luck.

Blackjack table with pub in the background

Three card poker table plus 2nd roulette table behind.

Back to our day. In the afternoon we met up with some others again around the Aquarius pool deck and also attempted the music quiz where we obtained 37/42. Pam then went off to an acupuncture session in a desperate attempt to alleviate her knee pain.

Pam here- it went well, it was very relaxing , It was part of a double session - which I have tomorrow. I had about 80 pins in my legs, knees and ankles, stomach and 1 in between my toes whilst I laid on my back. I was then left like a pin cushion for about 30mins with towels supporting various parts of my body and my eyes covered and gentle music in the background. Very relaxing except for initial pain in the knee.

We joined Pam’s craft class friend Janet for a card game called Sequence. It was very interesting and a bit like connect 4 for cards. Then we relaxed until dinner, which was another themed night in the buffet with the country being Brazil. We had steak. Yum. We didn't take any food pictures - sorry just scoffed.

The Captain made his regular evening announcement in which he said that everyone ship side and shoreside was trying to rectify the internet issue (it is as dead as a dodo) and he would let us all know immediately when it is fixed. All we can do is hope. These blogs are being written but are stacking up as drafts! When you eventually get them who knows what you will make of them arriving like London buses.

Our final activity of the day was the show. It was the boy band I mentioned a few days ago - or a few minutes ago depending on how these blogs arrived 🤷‍♂️. The band are bizarre and will be difficult to describe but let me start by saying that Pam has been taking some pain relief recently and after witnessing the show wondered if she had taken hallucinogenic pills by mistake. They are a 4 piece band from Liverpool. So far so good. One looks like a Bee Gee, another a Beach Boy, the third Sam Ryder and the fourth would fit into any clean cut boy band. They play Ukuleles (yes we thought we heard of enough of that topic onboard too) but one plays an electric ukulele with a cazoo attachment. Obviously. That well known musical combo. Another plays a banjo and a foot drum, the third a standard ukulele with various percussion instruments and the Bee Gee plays bass Ukulele with ants in his pants and plays it with the same enthusiasm we all do when playing air guitar. They played literally all sorts - an 80s mash up melody; a musicals mash up melody; big hits; their own songs and a Beatles mash up. Some of these songs were with a video background accompaniment. They were full of energy and the closest thing we can compare them too is The Monkees. At one stage two of them chased each other around the auditorium and then played hide and seek during the “duelling banjos” song. Bizarre but very enjoyable. I wonder how we will review them next time now that we know what to expect. I wonder if they will play The Monkees theme.

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