Walnut whip. That got that out the way. See yesterday's post if confused.
Early start today as we rose at 6am for the Panama Canal transit which took us from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean via 6 locks and under 3 bridges and over 10 hours. P&O provided us with a 4 page A4 souvenir booklet. We viewed this from many parts of the ship and hopefully these pictures, and descriptions, will capture the day.
After the transit we had another shared table with new companions. They were new but Mark insisted we must have dined with a couple before but he couldn’t remember when until Pam pointed out that we had not and they were in fact the dance instructors that took the classes we attended, and abandoned, at the start of the cruise - their classes are still packed!
Finished the long day with singer and musician Tony Baylis (who should have been on at Fort Lauderdale but needed orchestra rehearsal time so was swapped out with comedian). It was his first ever P&O performance. Pam liked him but Mark found him too shouty and fidgety so not that impressed. We fell into bed extremely tired and aching from the walking and standing in 33c humid sunshine.