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  • pameladawnferris

Apr 2nd - Sea Day 3

Let’s start this blog with our ship tour section and finish off the area in front of the Britannia restaurant on Deck 3. First there is the corridor between the Atrium and the restaurant with more of the amazing artwork - this included the 4 seasons theme.

Deck3 corridor from the restaurant

The spring fresco

We think these are Autumn and Winter

Opposite the Chart Room, which we covered yesterday, is Sir Samuels which is a coffee shop with great free food even if Pam is not thrilled with their staff.

The entrance

Some more of the food offerings to tempt you in

Seating area inside

Hidden behind Sir Samuels is the Tasting Room which holds Wine tasting classes which we are obviously not interested in but many people are.

So our day started with Pam up at 8 again and she was off and out leaving Mark still sleeping.

Pam went to breakfast in the buffet again and then off to the Port Talk - this time it was in Illuminations and not the theatre, as there was a Sunday Christian Church service in there being taken by the deputy captain.

The Port talk this time was on Walvis Bay, Namibia now independent from South Africa since the 1990s. Famous for their sand dunes and unusual plants as well as beaches and poverty.

Then Pam took a slow walk around the deck and bumped into Janet. They arranged to meet up for lunch at 1pm.

When she returned to the cabin she found Mark had breakfasted and lazed about reading and writing. He went off for his lecture about what the Beatles did after the Beatles broke up - again taken with Dave Mallinder. It was in Illumations and there wasn’t a spare seat in the place.

After the talk Mark had fish and chips for lunch in the Golden Lion whilst Pam was with Janet up on the sun deck having burgers and chips in the boardwalk cafe.

We regrouped in the Carinthia Lounge to hand in our scavenger hunt sheet and collect two stamps for our trouble. Pam was rightly vindicated that it was achievable and not a waste of time. We are up to 5 stamps now.

Pam with quiz sheet in front of one of the culprits
Found the tomato

Then we successfully rang Emily hooray!!!!!! This time using Facebook messenger as WhatsApp is just not working for us at the moment.

In the afternoon the ship held their annual tug of war competition, up on the sun deck. We joined the hundreds of others on deck 13 to witness this competition which had not been held for 3 years due to COVID.

It was teams of 6 team members competing for the trophy under each category. There were teams from Entertainment, Galley, Housekeeping, Technical, Office staff and maintenance and 3 competitions: Girls team (won by the royal court theatre dancers); Mixed Team (won by the Spa Team); Men’s team (won by the deck team - including the vice captain). The captain was watching from the sidelines with his best pal Mark.

Mark watching with the captain. They had a chat.

The competition in action
And the winners all grouped together

After that we rang Katherine with Facebook too. Mission complete phoning home. We are having a fantastic time but are missing our family terribly now. Still, 3 weeks to go and a few more big adventures left to see.

We had a relaxing afternoon of games with Janet in the Carinthia Lounge and played rummikub and sequence and she won both. We’d like to say that we let her win to cheer her up but we’d be lying as we were thumped.

After that we headed back to our room to change and check the immigration forms for tomorrow.  We had dinner in the main restaurant. We shared a table with Alan and Debbie (she was from New Zealand and he was Australian). They have been married for nearly 41 years and were great to talk to. We also sat with a lady called Monique who was 81 years old and 80% deaf. She told she was from Reunion and her husband was a soccer player from Mauritius (so their relationship was frowned upon so they moved to Sydney, Australia) . She is travelling on her own from Sydney to Cape Town like almost all the other Australians we have met on here.

After dinner we went to the show. It was a split show made up of  half “dream girls” tribute by the royal court theatre group (they sang and danced to about 4 songs) and the other half was from the four harps. The four harps sang traditional Irish songs and were just as good as before.

We ended our evening with another special quiz by lecturer David Mallinder. It was a Music trivia in the golden lion pub and we were joined by Diane, Andrew, Ruth and Dave (we can stop calling him Jim now). We won with 33 out of 40 and got a bottle of wine (but no sticker) for Dave to hopefully enjoy.

Now to bed early start in the morning.

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