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  • pameladawnferris

Apr 17th - Sea Day 7

Pam was up well before Mark who finally left the cabin at 11am. Feeling hungry, Pam had a big buffet breakfast then sauntered along deck 7 to the Carinthia lounge where she bumped in Raju and Andrew doing the 10:30 morning trivia quiz. She tried to help with a couple of questions. They got 17 out of 20 but did not win. We still had the internet pass from yesterday so she rang home to speak to our daughter Katherine who had been going through our information on our previous, family, visit to Tenerife. We have been to the same town before.

Meanwhile Mark was looking for Pam but could not find her as she was on the phone in a quiet area. He came across Raju and Andrew, who had just finished a basketball competition, and were now heading to the pub for a killer darts competition. They dragged him along and the game took forever and he was rubbish anyway. This made Mark late for the lecture about the princes in the tower by Diane Janes - Pam’s favourite lecturer.  They are almost certain that the skull fragments found in the tower are not them and no-one really knows what the princes look like as the portrait of the boys commonly used to depict them is actually 2 children the painter knew. Also, Richard III  was probably not as bad as generally depicted and Shakespeare and the Tudors need to take the blame for that.

Finally reunited with Mark after the talk we instantly split up again. Mark grabbed lunch in the buffet as he hadn’t eaten yet whereas Pam had so she went back into the Carinthia lounge for coffee and a snack and a natter with people such as Janet and Ann.

Mark did the afternoon golf putting competition. There is a block of wood with 5 holes in it worth different points. Each player gets 3 putts and we each got 3 rounds. With his 9 balls Mark scored 115 and came second earning himself a prize stamp.

Still in the Carinthia lounge, Pam was trying the wipeout trivia quiz and got 9 out of 12 but was wiped out when she gambled it all on the bonus question and got it wrong. She then picked up the next photo scavenger hunt. We have 24hrs to find 10 photos and have evidence. Mark is still not keen on these but at least it will burn calories.

After golf, and briefly seeing Pam, Mark went to the next planetarium show called Worlds Beyond Earth. This was basically about our solar system and Mark didn’t fall asleep though to be fair he had slept enough already. Pam popped her head in at the queens room to see the Queen Mary 2 passenger talent show but it had finished after 15 minutes. No further comment on this. Then she joined Andrew for bingo in the golden lion with entertainment host Charlie. Andrew won for getting 2 lines and got $80 whilst Pam won the full house again and another $250. She is going to get banned.

Talking of being a winner, Andrew teamed up with Mark for the Paddle Tennis tournament and they only won that getting a prize stamp each. Andrew donated his as he felt Mark did most of the heavy lifting. It was a team effort but Mark has scrapes and astro turf burns from a spectacular winning point he made. Pam was watching and people kept asking if she had filmed it or photographed the shot. She politely said no as she was not expecting him to do such a stupid thing - the silly sod.

A victorious Mark
Mark in action

Then back to the room for blogging and getting ready for 1920s gala night. Luckily the grazes did not lead to blood so that saved time getting cleaned up. We dined next to an elderly couple from Manchester. Another big meal with Pam having Duck pate, followed by chicken soup, then surf and turf with potato croquet, asparagus, hollandaise sauce and Cajun king prawns. She finished with mixed ice creams. Mark had snails in garlic sauce followed by roasted onion soup. He also had the surf and turf but finished with chocolate brownie with ice cream.

The rest of the evening was spent wandering the ship trying to find the photos in the scavenger hunt and doing the late night trivia quiz, which we won on a tiebreak by guessing the length of the song Bohemian Rhapsody. We said 6m 12s and it was 5m 55s. Another bottle of wine donated.

We ended the night playing the sequence board game and teaching Raju how to play it.

We will end on the daily ship tour section. Today we will finish deck 7. We only have the forward section of the ship left which is the gym.

Entrance to the gym
We haven’t used this area but it seems to have all the usual equipment
We haven’t used this area but it seems to have everything
Including the lifty things people seem to like

Also, behind the gym is the spa but that also extends upstairs into Deck 8. Here are some outside pics as we haven’t had any treatments even with Pam’s winnings.

View of Spa from Carinthia Lounge

Down the corridor and turn left you come to the reception area
Through the doors to the left of reception are these stairs that lead up to

The beauty salon

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