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  • pameladawnferris

1st Feb - Hawaii Day 2

Wow, February already. To be honest we are still so tired we would have believed it was any day.

We awoke around 8am and had a decent sized buffet breakfast. Ideally, we would have slept longer but these port days have been few and far between and we wanted to make the most of them.

We caught the free shuttle to the shopping mall. A couple of quirky stores plus one trying to sell Star Wars Hawaiian shirts for $120 meant that it really wasn’t our scene. Our plan was to get to Waikiki Beach and then some of the local shops, lunch and back to the ship to crash before the sail away party.

Waikiki Beach is 30min walk away but we made a hash of it and ended up on smaller beaches for hotels and not being able to easily stroll along the beach from one bit to another. We bought our way out of trouble with a taxi ride.

The beach is busy and the sea warm and clean but no fishes to be seen close to the shore. The sand also moves drastically with the tide so it seems that as the waves wash out you lose an inch or two beneath you.

A quiet part of the beach in Waikiki
Waikiki beach front surf shop

Across the road from the beach are lots of little shops

We are not real sun bathers so decided to go trinket and clothes buying after spending only a little time on the beach.

New shirt. Mark and about 40 others have this one
Pam’s shirt is a little more unique

Now we were hungry and Mark had a craving for …

Domino’s Pizza!

We may have mentioned that there is no pizza counter onboard this ship - what were they thinking and our daughter Katherine will never holiday onboard this ship that’s for certain. Anyway, this was a very welcome reminder of good Pizza.

We jumped back in another taxi and collapsed in our room and showered and slept.

We went to the sail away party on the open deck Aquarius bar. We were given a send off by the Ukulele class who have been practicing for a month. Good effort but I am beginning to detest that instrument. It was lovely and serene as we sailed away from Honolulu with the sun setting. We will always have fond memories of it and of our amazing time at the Polynesian Culture Centre.

Sailing away from Honolulu

Off to dinner in the Meridian restaurant where we once again had brand new dinner guests. I think it is because we vary our dinner times whereas most passengers are pretty regular with their timings. We then listened to some bar music and joined our quiz partners for a catch-up on our recent adventures and also tackled 20 questions on animals. We know next to nothing on the subject but apparently a chicken is the closet living animal to a T-Rex. Makes sense as the Flintstones go through a KFC drive thru on the credits.

We ended the day with the late theatre show. It was a Polynesian singer called Ben Makisi (from New Zealand)  who sang a Polynesian love song, songs by Mario Lanza, Nessa Dorma and You Raise Me Up - which made Pam cry. She loved the show so much she purchased both of his CDs after the show and got them signed. Mark stayed awake throughout though commented that the guy sang both the Italia 90 and Just One Cornetto songs very well. It may better if he slept. Talking of which, that is what we did next for many, many hours.

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