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  • pameladawnferris

10th Feb - Missed Port (Suva, Fiji)

All reversed today. Pam awoke early and had breakfast and then did 3 laps of the promenade (1 mile) Mark struggled out of bed and negotiated getting one of his Tuxedos cleaned. Then he went off for a light breakfast and regrouped with Pam, and the quiz partners, for morning trivia. We tied 1st but lost the tie-breaker. So close.

We called home and relaxed for the rest of the morning.

No lunch though Pamela was naughty and bought 2 big bars of cadburys dairy milk chocolate and we nibbled away at one of them.

At 2pm we attended something called an audience with the headliners. This should have been a way to learn more about the cast and we have attended these types of events before and they have been very good. This was extremely poor. It barely lasted 30mins and started with each member introducing themselves. From there it went downhill quickly. Over the rest of the time each cast member got to answer 1 prepared question and these were interspersed with videos of auditions & rehearsals etc… but these videos were old and not relevant to either the current cast or the ship we are on.

Later on in the evening we listened to the pianist in the spinnaker bar prior to our early valentine’s date night in the Ocean Grill speciality restaurant at 6.30pm. This will also be the ship area tour section today.

We went in here for Pam’s birthday but this is a different menu as the menu rotates weekly.

They are still limiting the number of diners due to lack of staff but the restaurant is quite large and beautifully decorated. Not sure about the reasons for the plaques everywhere though.

Entrance area

Dining room layout

We will tell you now that we overdid it. We were given a raspberry and rhubarb amuse bouche to begin along with some nice rolls - Mark’s was a delicious olive one whilst Pam went plain.

For starters Mark had a gorgeous, though large, Camembert and Pam the lighter Brown Windsor soup

Then we shared the fish platter.

A piece of salmon each with sides would be a normal evening meal for us so throwing in a similar size halibut portion plus giant prawns and mussels alongside fries and salad made it very heavy. We had eaten a lot of meat recently so wanted fish but we may have overdone it.

For dessert, Mark nibbled at the banana and caramel Elton mess with rum & raisin ice cream - the meringue went straight to Pam. Pamela had pear and sticky toffee pie with Bailey’s ice cream.

After tea and coffee we staggered to the theatre show. It was a musical trio called Triptonic but they were a duo as one of them was denied boarding due to visa issues. They were OK but nothing special.

After that we relaxed in the cabin and watched some videos and digested a load of fish.

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